Saturday, September 02, 2006

On Truth & Reality

Reality is what is existing or existed.
Truth is the laws governing the existence.

Reality may be against Truth
Reality against Truth may be destroyed,
even before Truth is discovered
discovered by even few.


Ignoring Truth and
imposing Reality that is against Truth on others,
would not only inflicting pain on others.

Would inflict pain and hurt on self
even to many generations latter!!!

Sir Winston Churchill:
“I knew everything…
“I do not accept that the dog in the manger has the final right to that manger”
“Stronger Race…,Worldly Wise……...”
His descendent has paid dearly for his words
If he believed in his Godly blessing
If he knew how adorable his most revered descendent is
If he knew she is more revered, globally,
than his wit, his war labor,
Would he use his God’s wit to dispense his God’s grace or…...
Any more descendent along his linage?

truth or reality
Reality Definitely Existed
Truth Prevail or ever been discovered?
Does Truth need to be Undiscovered?