Thursday, October 19, 2006

Where are we Heading

Lim Swee Keng
ISBN 9810 513757
Civilization progresses
in different stages
on different continents

Civilization progresses
Progresses ceaselessly
Despite experiencing many setbacks

Some said it is due to Civilized Culture?
Does he mean result is the cause ?
It is not even an answer !!!

Some said it is due to Technology
Not only it is saying the result of result is the cause !
It is an answer without understanding !!!

What is the driving force behind technology?
Where is the source of technology?
Where is technology leading us to?

Civilization progresses
Because people start to record what they observed!
With these records, knowledge start to accumulate!

People start to reason what they observed!
People start to check on their reasoning,
with reasons or unreasonable!!
People in greater number congregated!
With unity, strength multiplied!!!
people from diverse background communicated!
With diversity, ideas are checked !
Truths, closer truths are revealing !!!

People inpower (religious, political, economical, military)
checked these knowledge with brutality
beyond logic, even without understanding.
They check it not for seeking truth, verifying truth,
but worrying these knowledge would erode their power, their dominions.

Their action, may have been perceived as detrimental to progress in Sciences. Many great scientists were persecuted. These brutality actually dictated only the truth, the rigorously proven truth, proven by the most fervent scientists survived, survived stubbornly, despite persecutions, barbaric ways of persecutions. This was one of the most effective ways to build the strict disciplines of sciences, fired up the wise.

The western approach is a reminder to that of Shi Huang Di (The First Emperor of China), a thousands years ahead of the west. Whose dictatorship united China’s culture, forged a unified linage of many dynasties.

A wise dictator need not use religions nor high ideals, NOT crusade nor awesome forces, to unify people, to improve the life of his people as well as others. They compiled useful knowledge. They use these wisdom to its fullest.

While the East, dreams on, seeking trades, self-adequacy without noted desire to conquest, except one.

While the Middle East declined without a credible successor to the Ottoman. Even with Ottoman, the impact, were not as far reaching as Colonist Britain, because Ottoman’s reach was hardly beyond oceans.

While the west measure their success by the extent of land, resources under their full control, many Colonistic empires transgressed the whole world.

The only benefit Colonists brought to civilization is the cross commune amongst continents. With Britain as the eventual greatest Colonist that transgressed the globe, English start to become the common language.

However the greatest benefit is derived from the dominion passing, continuously, from the great Britain to an even greater United States.

With greater United States, Telecommunications, Computers, Operating System, Key Office Software, Internet, Searches of diverse archives were being unified into one singular, comprehensive communication platform.
These unification of tools and monopoly of power by the United States is a blessing to forge better understandings amongst cultures, amongst nations, which would derive another hundreds years of progress based on congregations of wisdoms in diverse dimensions, overcome over productivity by improving the environment.

Better use of this unified tools, would bring the world together, discover old, relevant wisdoms, developed new solutions effectively for the benefit of people, to improve natural environment.

America stands in the best place to lead and to foster, this pragmatic yet idealist, highly ideal yet achievable, future.
Overzealous dominion may destroy the hard earned leadership. Alternative new world order may not be lead by National Leaders, but Business leaders, which are neither elected nor checked, even less so, balanced.

No systems can counter the ignorance of leaders
Only wise counsels could
Ignorance is the source of arrogant
No education can fill the abysses of ignorance
Only wise counsels could
If Ignorance is removed
Arrogance vaporized
If Arrogance vaporized
Self-respect and Mutual Respect returns
Seek others strength would lead to
Continuous strive for seeking truth
Would keep every one busy
Peace and Harmony
everyone could
could Enjoy

On Freedom

The interactions amongst people become more frequent
The distance between people interacting can be infinite
The action of one individual, therefore can affect more others
more frequently, further away, and can be more severe

Civilization teaches us to weigh our action carefully.
This results in more self-conscious thoughts,
more self-regulating actions
Therefore less freedom necessary be
However, we span more space and more media are available.
Therefore, we have more spectrum of freedom space.
But for each space, our freedom would necessarily be reduced, by self or imposed restrains
If the self-imposed restrain is inadequate, either others would be harmed, or regulation by others need to be imposed
Though we have increased, the spectrum of domains available to us.
We have less freedom in each domain
We have more domains to express less Freedom

With Self respect and respect others
Your lesser freedom is not felt

Model of Freedom - America

On this land, the proud Americans congregatedof the best from the world
from the last slavery in modern history
Greatest challenges they facedCountless courageous lives sacrificed
To bring this land forth, to the forefront of the world
Fighting for liberty
for unification
for democracy
for freedom
for equality

For only American would know the values of these
since they strived some of most arduous struggles
Endlessly, ceaselessly, till tomorrow
On this land, for this land, more than anywhere else in the world
They shall set example for Freedom and Democracy
even Freedom and Democracy are as elusive as clouds
Their spirit would be like the Sun
the light shall shineth through eventually to the world
No barricade can hinder the leaders
Leaders of civilization
Leaders seeking humane ideals
Abundance enjoyment all enjoy