Sunday, October 28, 2007

Homosexual – Causes & Solutions

Wednesday, 24 October 2007
Cognose Lim Swee Keng
Cognize Before Happening
Solve Beyond Causes
(1223 words)


Homosexual is not a new happening.

One commonly used word referring to homosexual, Sodomy, sourced from Old Testament. So the practice must be more than few thousands years old.

So the expression that Homosexual is a modern manifestation, the argument that because it is modern, it must be accepted by society, else the society is out-dated, is an argument worth not rebutting.

Morality is not frivolous. Basically it is guiding the basic behaviour of individuals, communities, to stay healthy, live in harmony with others and healthily propagate.

Morality, Cultures, Religions from all diversities prescribed severe punishment to incest, but not to homosexual. Basically, incest will produce children defective, sufferings. While homosexual doe not produce children to suffer.

In Old Testament, God did not punish Sodomites until they schemed harms to God sent. Same as in civilization through out history under even average leaders without fervent allegiance, as long as no harms were brought to public notice, seldom punishment unleash against homosexuals.

So this approach has been valid, effective for thousands of years till today.

Root Causes – Individual

The causes for individual can be in-born or family brought up.

If the collective bigger society has wisdom, compassion, then they will extend understanding, guidance, love and help to those who are suffering.

I was on the understanding that civilization, mechanization made the need of conquering and defending land, of heavy labour less often needed. Men are therefore deprived of the needs, opportunities and demand to become more muscular. So the uniqueness of men is diminishing.

While most machines, economic activities, social situation made women capable of almost all aspect of living. Women do not have the need for man’s strength and power to defend their chaste, to labour their provision.

Technology and Civilization have made man and woman more equal.

We need to see to how to address this aspects by creating, developing machines, opportunities, environment to enhance the needs for each others’ strength, strength complementing, man-woman.
Root Causes – Social

There are countless, among them many are children, living under starvation, poverty, brutality, slavery. They count more than homosexuals. But we hear little, acted not.

Why homosexual is so pronounced? So forceful in lobbying for policy, law changes? Why is it spreading like wild fire all over the world?

Freedom of Expression, Democratic systems are giving those who are endowed with means of influencing, arts of expressing a space, an exaggerated space to magnify their power of influencing, to expand the reach of propaganda, without restraints, without boundary.

This is the fundamental weakness of Freedom of Expression, Democracy.

The representation is not by number of people affected, but by the decibels, frequency of rhetoric, colourful of preaching, over time, space.

The representation is not by gravity of the issues, but by ability of provoking sensation, regardless of its importance, priority, less so its gravity of impact, long-term impact in the invisible future.

This fundamental weakness will be the line of cracks, the fault of collapse, the fire for self-destructions, Freedom, Democracy.

If you believe in Evolution: Freedom must exist in lone soaring eagles, roaming animals. Democracy must exist among simpler communal insects, penguins, before most sophisticate communal living Chimpanzees, evolves into Human. Order and Law then come into place.

If you believe in History, Scripture, Freemen must exist before they can be made into slaves.

From time to time, Anarchy took place, Autocracy took its place.
Freedom exists before Communal Living.
Democracy exists before Governments can be formed.
Freedom and Democracy are not modern; they are not even milestones, therefore never the destiny of history.

They are merely endless exchanges between organized and re-organized, connected by disorganized.

When responsible Freedom is abused, Governance is misused, Freedom lost, Government collapse.

So the theme that Homosexual is modern, equal opportunities for homosexual, marriage for same sex are preached. It must be preached by history ignorant, socially irresponsible.

Marriage is not a show of freedom, nor democracy.
Marriage is a ritual, a law to ensure that parents are accountable to their children, incest does not happen. Though no marriage, ritual, law are perfect, they help, they mitigate, they minimize.

Passion among same sex, do not produce children, free you are.

Homosexual, if you want freedom, why ask for more attention, social commitment, legal and social bondage?

Homosexuals, do not be misled by people with purpose, agendas, seeking fames and power.

Root Causes – Technology

However, lately, it is said that many homosexuals are in-born. It did not occur to me, to my parent generations. Among hundred thousands i encountered, very few are those inclined, and those inclined, with social understanding, help, live the life majority of the society live.

But it impressed me, and others, that many are changing lately, and more homosexual are born.

Science has given technology.
Technology has provided us many things for our using, for our wearing, for our eating.

FIRST warning, our scientists, technologists invented insecticides such as DDT, and it hurts the environment more than killing insects.

SECOND warning, our industry has invented chemical do not exist in nature, to coat our pans, to chill our food, to cool our room, to boost our spray. Mother earth opens a hole in Ozone layer in high sky.

THIRD warning, over the last few decades, we were given synthetic fabrics for wearing. Our body, our skin, the biggest organ, the strongest organ, the organ defending our intricate inner tissues, organs, has rejected it.

FOURTH warning, Our Industries, our factories have feed cows, a herbivore, meat protein. And cow turned mad. Mad Cow disease does not happen before.

Our body is the results of billions years of close interaction with environment.
Our body exists naturally, among nature, for thousands years.

Pharmaceutical Industries, Biotechnology, Gene-modifications, are creating compound, formulae, life-form do not exist before to satisfy our body.

Stimulant can propel a chicken to grow faster by weeks, growing meat tender and sweet. What can we deduce, if we eat hundreds time more of not just chicken, over not just week, what would we become?

New formula, new drugs, do not exist in nature before.
Are they the means for living, growing, healing of our body, natural body?
Are they the cause of new problems, problem exist not before?
This is what we must ponder!!

Olympic of thousands years history, bans steroids from sportsman.
Is it right thinking to invent new drugs to heal our sickness, to improve our memory?

What is the benefit, we have seen some.
What is the impact, we see many, heavy.
We have seen holes in Ozone, we have seen cow mad.
Impact hidden, we never know.
Do we need many warning, before man are not man, girl are not girl?

The world health organization, with the help of NGOs, governments must do a serious survey, to determine if there is a trend of increasing in-born, and increasing mid-life change.

This cannot be less important than monitoring Global Warming.

Global warming is important, and causes are looking into, solutions are sought.

Homosexual of human, if on the increasing trend, will lead to the extermination of this species. It is more important.

First world nation must take the lead, voices come from that quarter more.

A well organized island nation, with clear borders, with precision on residents’ history, should initiate and lead this censor, and derive clear answers, for the world.

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