Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Dynamite Economy 3.2 Cognized before Happening

Solvere, Cognose LIM Swee Keng (Sep 22, 2008) tab
Dynamite Economy 3 - Deadly Urgency
3.2 Cognized before Happening

What we see today, have been forewarned, in 2001, to the leaders of Singapore and her technology leader, whom i expected to lead sovereign fund.[1] Stated clearly was that technology no longer able to drive economy, economy will hit stagnation. (Since then Technology companies, one by one, dropped out from top 10 listings. Today, 2008, even GE ranked 12.)

Technology cumulated wealth found no place to invest, interest rate will go into negative, which is pure fabrication - the impact will be unprecedented. War will take place (in a separate, now no longer sensitive submission – Afghan was identified as the first battle field.[2])

Aug 13, 2007,[3] witnessed the lack of understanding of economy by leaders – the fundamental driving forces for economy. Stated clearly, that among top corporations of the world, Finance and Energy overwhelmed the whole economy with revenue size (29%, 25%, total more than 50%), profit (41%, 31%, total almost 75%), AND profit margin of 9%. Banks being a lubricant for market economy, such profit margins can only be fabrication, cannot be sustained. (So by today, Sep 2008, a year latter, THREE out of top FIVE investment banks collapse.) Energy should be the cheapest among all key factors of productions. At such magnitude and profit margin, all business will not survive.

Sep 9, 2007, after delivered above warnings, I have encouraged Steve Forbes, on a luncheon in Raffles Hotel, Singapore, that America must lead to create new industries, “Energy Solvere”[4] was presented as one among a battery of eight new industries that will energize economy again. Also clearly stated that pumping well governed sovereign funds into free private hands to rescue banks, will spread turmoil from non-factor of production(financial instruments) to key factors of production (energy, commodities, grains).

Nov 12, 2007[5], after monitoring the scale of intervention from international sovereign funds, I stated clearly that together with other key factor of production, oil and gold will exceed $120 and $1000 respectively in a few months time. This will pull the carpet under all business’ survivals.

Gold hit $1000 on Mar 17, 2008. Oil hit $120 on May 5, 2008, manifestations of serious impact all around the world, including transport workers went on strikes, airlines cut operations. This testifies $120 is a critical point for most business survival. Oil peaked at $147 on Jul 11 2008, and dived to $94 today (Sept 17, 2008). Violent up and down swing prices may be, damages it has caused to world economy are definitely unprecedented, severe, the sufferings – long, prolonged.

[1] “Real Economy, Realities of Economy, Economic Realities” April 2001, collected in “Cognose – Recover the Lost Key to Infinite Wisdom.” ISBN-9810-513757
[2] Tracking the speeches of the Singapore leader, before Shanghai Communique, Mid 2001.
[3] “Dynamite Economy” Aug 13, 2007,
[4] “Energy Solvere”, update on, is one among 8, will bring billions farmers into middle class, billionaires shall come!
[5] “Dynamite Economy - Proliferation, Wrong Solutions, Resolutions” , Nov 8, 2007

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