Thursday, October 30, 2008

Dynamite Economy 4.4 Freeing Up Free Market[1]

Oct 28, 2008
Solvere Lim
CtS Cognoscere tenus Solvere @
察觉于发生之前 Cognize before Happening
解决于根基之处 Solving beyond Root Cause

Nationalized businesses are deemed unpopular - because the able, articulate are deprived of chances of operating key businesses - big, ever-green, all penetrating, businesses.

But when business turns sour, it is these people demanding bail out from the states.
Again, this underlined when it concerns personal benefit, wisdom, actions comes earlier.

Is there mechanism to ensure private operators maximize efficiency over maximizing profits to further interest of public? – None.
How many nations seen the tariff dropped after privatize?
Singapore has two private operators operating the Mass Transit Railways.
A while after into operations, the wise leader Lee Kuan Yew questioned:
Where is the competition when they are operating on two different corridors?
Where is the economy of scale when similar machineries are operated, maintained by two entities?

In general, even after privatized, private operators asked for deregulations.
After deregulation, we face a monster of troubles that even states by themselves cannot contain, even the world cooperated together, cannot overcome.

Nationalized and Privatized are just white and black cats – both share chances of successes, failures.
Nationalized can be examined by domestic voters and international observers.
Private Enterprises, not only we do not know who actually committed the act, very often what is the cause also cannot be made certain – as this instant of financial crisis speak loud at our face.
Many a time, the government lost competence in understanding the operations.
“ Is government capable to regulate?” Many bankers, even central bankers have asked aloud! [2]

When we are focusing on surface facts, without insight of market dynamics, without understanding the underlying purpose AND overall objectives - The swing between nationalized and privatized, regulated and free, monopoly and multiple operators will never come to any good answers!

The sole objective of free market economy is to improve Market Efficiency – from supply to demand.
The key factors are – improve economy of scale, reduce agency costs.
The bottlenecks are intermediaries.
The measurable are accountabilities, transparency, losses!

Only with such fundamental definition of the purpose of Free Market -
Can we really define and prioritize objectives, before policies, solutions can be formulated!

[1] Dynamite Economy 3.11 Approach - Finance Industry, sep 22, 2008,
[2] It is widely known that even Fed believed bankers are better in assessment of market risk, etc.

1 comment:

Solvere said...

Dear Heads of States,
Heads of Government
Dear Ministers of Finances
Dear Central Bankers

Famous Investor Jim Rogers suggested today, Jul 17, 2009 to invest in Commodities.

Energy, Commodities prices will sky rocket again, to a much weaker industries, many civil commotions, terrorist attacks, much more unstable world society with decimated national reserves around the world.

I plead that Jim will reconsider his recommendation and read
"Dynamite Economy - Proliferation, Wrong Solutions, Resolutions". Nov 12, 2007

The Solutions, all nations have to do, is to regulate commodity market, to tax heavily on transaction derivatives, futures, except those for real, final consumptions.

The Philosophy, Logics, Practical Solutions are in Dynamite Economy 4.4 Freeing Up Free Market


Jim Rogers stated on July 17, 2009
Commodities Are The Best Investment

"If you got to be somewhere and if there is going to be a recovery, it will show up in commodities best of all, and if there is not going to be any recovery, commodities are still a better place to be." in Economic Times

Recall the exact warnings issued on Sep 9, 2007 to Steve Forbes at Raffles Hotel, Singapore, pumping well governed Sovereign Funds into Free Private hands will sky rocket Energy, Commodity Prices, that will pull the carpet under all industries.

followed up with detail on "Dynamite Economy - Proliferation, Wrong Solutions, Resolutions". Nov 12, 2007
