Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Resolving Crisis - MIT, Media, Academia to Shoulder

Resolving Crisis - MIT, Media, Academia to Shoulder  
2011 03 16

The combination of Earth Quake, Tsunami and FOUR failing nuclear reactors is one unprecedented.

This will be a historical crime for MIT  if she is going to celebrate her 150 years anniversary by doing nothing to a crisis its mission is set up to do, her people most equipped to do !

First sadness - The world do not come together to solve it.
Second sadness - The media doing merely more artistic pictures, movies without detail analysis of what is a nuclear reactor, how to stop nuclear reactions. May be only BBC and a few Chinese site provided more technical analysis.

Biggest sadness - the academia, including MIT has been quiet, as if another BP Gulf leak.

This is not Gulf Leak, this is not even Gulf war.
This is four nuclear bombs that may explode in tandem.

This is four nuclear bombs may time to explode at the time the next earth quake, tsunami hit, and typhoon may come earlier.

Heaven is merciful, it gave us a week to rally the best.
But the media, the governments, the academicians are still not taking it seriously.
This will be the worst crime for MIT  if she is going to celebrate her 150 years anniversary by doing nothing to a crisis its mission is set up to do !

This is a sad sign that leaders are falling behind media.
And media falling behind common people, commons sense.
Worst, academicians do not realize stopping Nuclear reactor cannot be like fire fighting.

Nuclear reactions is about neutrons, protons shooting at high speed at each other to create nuclear reactions, in this case fission.
How could pouring sea water into nuclear reactor stop the nuclear reaction?
How could world become so poor in understanding basic physics.

It is alright for Prime Minster Kan to get the news of explosion from the TV, hours before his staff reported to him.

But MIT, Researchers, Engineers must you not come to the front and help man kind to ward of the worst disasters initiated by nature, escalated by man made.

It is Japanese, a united, disciplined, highly educated in technology able to with stand.

But this is a world disasters, man kind challenges.

Media mobilize the world best.
Engineers, Professors come to the forefront.

i urge you.
i am with you

Solvere Lim Swee Keng
SM(MIT' 85)

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