Monday, August 13, 2007

Dynamite Economy (7) -- Dynamite

7. Dynamite

Great Recession was still bounded by human logical response, restrained by limited reach and wealth, protected by sovereignty and borders, diluted by distance and time taken to travel.

At this moment, most national governments prop up the market. This action does not create new wealth, nor expand employment. It is only disbursement of public wealth into a few fortunate hands.

This current violent swing will continue, because sovereign funds have overwhelming reserve.
This can sustain, but not longer than 2 years.

At this point, wealthy are playing stocks and real estate.
They are not factor of production.
Therefore does not affect common people life, business profitability, social serenity.

But when wealth held by disciplined, national-interest centric government are disbursed into the hand of private, they have no such responsibilities, nor through the rigor of election. They will manipulate other exciting frontiers. Factor of production are of the appropriate size.

When such volatility spread from stocks, which is not factor of production into key factors of productions, energy and material, transport and communication, rent & taxation, remuneration and kickbacks. Everything physical, virtual, cannot be priced but can be bought, will be chess pieces in the hand of the well-endowed. Pricing is floating without attachment to logic nor reality, market will turn beyond the realm of Great Recession.[1]

This is a dynamite in the making !!
In summary, economy of today is resulting from lack of new growth engines to invest the unprecedented wealth cumulated during the three decades. This over-abundance wealth will lead to lost of conscience and responsibility to develop appropriate policies, relevant product and services, improving efficiency and quality of life for the society.

Without such understanding, we are seeing governments lost directions while privates get richer.
Factories closing down, banks are glowing brighter.

This is worse than
cannibalizing others wealth, self-destruction of own wealth generators.
This is self-destruction of factor of production for wealth generators.
No one, private, government, banks, manufacturers will benefit from such situation.

New understanding, direction and solution for civilization shall be presented in subsequent articles.

Dynamite is the most effective means to breakthrough hardest of obstacles!!!

[1] some philosophical explanation can be asked from It needs to explain using audience specific knowledge and expertise.

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